
Thursday, January 7, 2016


The Northwest Nighthawks are excited to announce the addition of a track team this spring!
You can find the latest info HERE.

Although all of our races will be on the track, and we are planning to practice one day/week on an actual track (negotiations still in progress and hopefully "closer in" to the cities), the other days we will be training on roads/trails (Hanover area, just like in cross country). So don't worry about spending all your time "running around in circles." :)

We're in the midst of much changes, website changes, facebook changes, and email changes... Thanks for your grace and patience as we launch this exciting new endeavor.

Our team orientation meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 8, 2016, 7:00 P.M. at the Hanover City Hall. This is a mandatory meeting (all athletes and at least one parent from each family) and is the last day to register before late fees go into effect. Bring your completed registration forms, and we'll see you there!