Thursday, December 1, 2016
2016 Cross Country Slideshow - Season Summary
Making progress! A season of growth and improvement while building community and having a great time. Length = 4 minutes. Enjoy!
One More
Another nice article in the local paper, this one covering Nighthawks Erika Swanson and Jerilynn Simmer's trip to the 2016 State CC meet. You can also find it online.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
2016 Nighthawk Cross Country Banquet
That's a wrap! The End-of-Season Banquet is a sweet time of celebration for a season well done. Many thanks to the team-moms who made it all so beautiful. This is a family event (130 in attendance, wow) designed to recognize, encourage, and honor each athlete's unique character and contribution to the team. Thanks to all runners for giving us your hearts for a season and to all of the parents, grandparents, and siblings who supported us each step of the way. And best wishes to our seniors--we will miss you!
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Box Buddies
A favorite moment at the State meet: the Section 5A
representatives in a "team huddle"--all worthy competitors and a
beautiful demonstration of the sport of cross country.
Monday, November 7, 2016
State CC 2016
(click to view larger)
Congratulations to Erika Swanson and Jerilynn Simmer for running at the Class A State Cross Country Championship this weekend, and thanks to the throngs of Nighthawks (teammates, families, and friends--dozens of them!) who drove down on a beautiful day to support and cheer them on! Erika, a sophomore, earned All State honors by taking 18th place (19:36) in her second State meet appearance; Jerilynn, a 9th-grader, took 75th (20:36) in her first trip to the event, out of 176 runners who qualified at their respective Sections statewide.
We coaches can try to describe the scene to our athletes before the event, but the level and depth of competition here is something that cannot be taught--only experienced. Coaching these young women--and all their teammates--is an awesome privilege. When we started the program, State was a very big "someday." We had no idea. These two earned this special weekend through their dedication, discipline, and coachability; and they were excellent ambassadors as they represented their team.
Thanks again to all the team families and sponsors who have supported the program at all levels and steps along the way. Every season is a gift.
Congratulations to Erika Swanson and Jerilynn Simmer for running at the Class A State Cross Country Championship this weekend, and thanks to the throngs of Nighthawks (teammates, families, and friends--dozens of them!) who drove down on a beautiful day to support and cheer them on! Erika, a sophomore, earned All State honors by taking 18th place (19:36) in her second State meet appearance; Jerilynn, a 9th-grader, took 75th (20:36) in her first trip to the event, out of 176 runners who qualified at their respective Sections statewide.
We coaches can try to describe the scene to our athletes before the event, but the level and depth of competition here is something that cannot be taught--only experienced. Coaching these young women--and all their teammates--is an awesome privilege. When we started the program, State was a very big "someday." We had no idea. These two earned this special weekend through their dedication, discipline, and coachability; and they were excellent ambassadors as they represented their team.
Thanks again to all the team families and sponsors who have supported the program at all levels and steps along the way. Every season is a gift.
Friday, November 4, 2016
Thursday, November 3, 2016
We are so thankful to have the support of our local community! Thanks to all who are helping make this a special week.
...and of course the video ;)
...and of course the video ;)
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Last official day of practice: CC Candyland! We normally do this *much*
earlier in the season, but we had a very wet year for the course, and it never quite fit
into the schedule. Better late than never! It's always amazing how hard
runners will work for treats. ;)
Friday, October 28, 2016
Sections 2016
Congratulations to our 2016 MN State Cross Country Qualifiers! Sophomore Erika Swanson came in 3rd place, and 9th-grader Jerilynn Simmer took 7th at the Section 5A Cross Country meet yesterday in Milaca. These two diligently put in the summer miles, trained consistently, and raced solidly all season. We are so happy to see them rewarded for their hard work, in such a fun and exciting way. St. Olaf, here they come! <3
Congrats also to the Nighthawk women's team (Swanson, Simmer, junior Naomi Brenden, sophomore Lindsey Pavlish, 9th-grader Marielle Chamberlain, junior Christine Chamberlain, and junior Sienna Chernyavsky) for placing 10th out of 18 complete (scoring) teams and setting a new Nighthawk team-time record! Personal best performances were made by Brenden and Pavlish as well as sophomore Phillip Kippley and senior Anthony Sixta from the men's team.
It's been a season of growth and transition, and we're pleased with the way our student-athletes have stepped it up in leadership, athleticism, and sportsmanship. Every season is a gift, and we're thankful for the many ways our team families and local community have supported this program.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
For those who don't run the Section meet, we like to offer a late-season opportunity for one last race. This "grade-level challenge" is a huge meet with some of the biggest schools in the area. But the runners enjoy it, and it's a great course for spectators. Congrats to Luke Swanson for setting a new 5K team record (18:02), and all the Nighthawks who raced hard to finish the season--ALMOST ALL set personal records!
Saturday, October 22, 2016
This has become a bit of a tradition (because we've done it two years in a row ;)
)--recognizing, praying over, and burning our fears and lies. We're
into the last days of the season now. Finish well, Nighthawks!
Friday, October 14, 2016
"Whipemsockoff" is a new game in development, for which we need to work out a few quirks. :D But overall everyone was a good sport about it, and we'll see if it survives the end-of-season popularity poll!
Monday, October 10, 2016
Track on Grass
Litchfield is one of those beloved "track on grass" type courses--flat and FAST! It also comes near the end of the season, so although it's a hefty drive (thank you, team parents!), it's a pretty good recipe for lots of PR's and team records. And typical of this season, rain was involved, but fortunately it waited until the tail end of the event.
Monday, October 3, 2016
2nd Annual CC Jr.
2nd Annual CC Jr. run was a success! This family event is our way of
thanking the younger team-siblings for being our biggest fans. The sibs
(20+ of them) enter races of various distances (up to 1 mile) while the
Nighthawk runners serve as meet directors, race starters, timers, chute
helpers, awards presenters, and more. Thanks to all who participated!
Friday, September 23, 2016
Gale Woods Farm is considered to be one of the toughest cross country courses in the state. With so many flat courses out there ("track on grass"), The Farm is a test of strength both physical and mental: True cross country. It is remarkably hilly, easily pack-splitting, and often desolate--not at all spectator friendly, so voices of encouragement must come from within. (If you look at the middle of the picture, in front of the trees, you'll see a line of tiny runners making their way through the grass along the road...the other scattered objects are massive round bales.) Crossing the finish line is a victory, and any feeling of defeat is a temporary illusion as new confidence is born. It puts all other races into perspective; and for some crazy reason, our runners emphatically ask to return!
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Picture Day
More athletes, more uniforms, and more commotion when it's time to look organized. But we *are* getting better at this...maybe? :) At least it wasn't raining. Thanks to all who keep us matching and looking good! Cedar Creek Golf Course, Comfort Matters Heating & Cooling, Inc., Accorde Orthodontists, Northwest Area Jaycees, CCConcrete, Four Hills Advisors, Encore Entertainment, Miller Trucking & Landscape Supply Inc, River Inn Bar & Grill, Three Goats in a Tub, Dashboard Gear
Monday, September 19, 2016
CC Poker
This year's game of CC Poker ended up more like 7-Card Draw--because we kept sending them out for more cards. :D Fun gauge of improved endurance over last year. And a great way to learn how to use a map!
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Now that was wet. Just a few seconds after the first race began, the downpour came. The meet directors combined events and moved things along, but we couldn't quite get all the races in before the lightning came. The boys were disappointed (their race was canceled just seconds before the gun was to go off), but for some that was a good thing: to realize that they wanted to race more than they thought. And hooray for the new tent! Thanks to all who helped chip in over the past few CC and T&F seasons so we could buy some protection. :) Congrats all runners who put forth amazing performances in the mud. All smiles in the end, especially when Chipotle is on the agenda. ;)
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Fun surprise on the back page of the local paper this week. Nighthawk
varsity girls were mentioned--boys not this time (presumably due to
running an incomplete team that week) but appeared in the photo. :) <…/waconia-runs-away-with-rockford-inv…/>
Friday, September 9, 2016
First Meet
First official meet of the season! Week after week of unseasonable rain meant bog-like conditions last week. A usually-tame course became one of much contention, especially as the meet went on and the course was subject to more foot traffic. Lots of mental battles out there: The more difficult the course, the longer it takes to run, and the more minutes you have to fight. The race becomes less about the clock and more about the run itself--and how you respond to the experience. Every one stuck it out and is stronger for it. Some great team and individual performances, too!
With the events in St. Joseph this week, the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center asked that individuals display the number 11 to honor Jacob’s spirit and his sense of fairness. 11 traits were emphasized and shared with each team at the meet this week:
1. Be fair
2. Be kind
3. Be understanding
4. Be honest
5. Be thankful
6. Be a good sport
7. Be a good friend
8. Be joyful
9. Be generous
10. Be gentle with others
11. Be positive
Jacob wore the #11 jersey and was 11 when he was kidnapped from near his home in St. Joseph on Oct. 22, 1989. None of our runners had yet been born, but we parents remember. Every day is a gift.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Another early-season favorite: the Geezer Chase 2-mile fun run in
St. Louis Park. Non-CC runners (parents, siblings, and friends)
get a 2-minute head start, and the CC runners chase the "geezers."
Brings an entirely new level of motivation! :D Thanks to all for
the fun and sportsmanship.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
This was SO COOL! At least a dozen nighthawks were flying over our
fields (the CC "home course") this evening. They fly fast and change
directions quickly. Not an easy photo session but very exciting. They're
probably migrating (to South America), but we hope they stick around
for practice tomorrow night...!
Monday, August 29, 2016
Fun Day: The early-season tradition of running, food, work, more food,
and a movie (keep eating). This year's installment was postponed a week
due to the weather, but even so we ended up plenty wet. Still, the crew
kept smiling and we made good progress on brush clearing and tree
planting. Each year the "home course" looks a little better, and these
young men and women have much to be proud of.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
First races of the season! It was "just a scrimmage," but even so the
runners gave their all. For many of them, it was their first race ever.
There were impressive victories at every level of ability, and
*everyone* finished. Go Nighthawks!
Saturday, August 20, 2016
This is where you hang out after a rainy-day run. Seems to work for
stretching, but old barn floors aren't exactly ideal for ab work, so it
gives all new meaning to "planks"! :D
Friday, August 19, 2016
They said that was tough. ;)
Some of these athletes really stepped up their game, particularly those
assigned as group leaders for the day. YES. Or maybe it was the all
mosquitoes at the bottom of the hill... :D
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
First Day
First day and lots of new: new runners, new coaches, and new friendships
already forming. Not to mention new protocols that come with a growing
team. Thanks to all for your patience as we work out the details this
first week! Go Nighthawks!
Friday, August 5, 2016
Helping set up for the Hanover Harvest
Festival. Too busy to take action photos... :D Thanks again to the City
of Hanover for sharing your park space and to the awesome local
businesses for supporting our team!
Monday, July 25, 2016
It's been crazy hot and humid this week. Who wants to mow the course for
Saturday morning when there's a great local trail that starts and ends
and the beach? Congrats to about a half-dozen runners who ran PL's
(personal longest runs) today. Something to be said for motivation!
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Saturday, July 9, 2016
How Neuroscientists Explain the Mind-Clearing Magic of Running

"The other fascinating thing here is where these new cells pop up: in the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with learning and memory. So this could help explain, at least partially, why so many studies have identified a link between aerobic exercise and improvement in memory. 'If you are exercising so that you sweat — about 30 to 40 minutes — new brain cells are being born,' added Postal, who herself is a runner. 'And it just happens to be in that memory area.'"
Read the full article here:
Monday, June 20, 2016
Academic Awards
Congratulations to the Nighthawk girls' varsity track & field team for receiving gold-level Team Academic Excellence Recognition from the MN State High School Coaches' Association! Also to Erika S. for earning Academic All-State by meeting state honor roll time standards in the 1600m and 3200m. You can time performances on the track and calculate GPA's; but you can't measure the determination, courage, kindness, and loyalty these young women have shown this year. Well done.
Monday, June 13, 2016
2016 Track & Field Slideshow (promo length)
There you have it: The inaugural season summarized in less than 4 minutes...
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Each individual involved in this team was exactly who our inaugural track & field season needed, and each athlete was invited to the front to be recognized at our end-of-season banquet. The goal is not only to reward performance character strengths but also to highlight moral character strengths—the actions and instances of growth that lead to better relationships with others. Lots of food, fun, and hugs; memories shared, awards given, and senior batons signed. Thanks again to all the families who committed their time to each other this season!
Friday, June 3, 2016
In the News
Fun read in our local paper and several Nighthawks mentioned! Visit this post to see our favorite photos from the meet.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Section Track & Field Meet
Good day yesterday at St. John's University for the Section 5A Track & Field meet. The facilities were amazing and the weather was cool and breezy. Erika represented the Nighthawks well, placing for points in both events, taking 6th in the 1600m (5:30.99) and 7th in the 800m (2:31.14). The 800m was a fun surprise as she was time-seeded into the slower heat (two heats of 8 runners each) but ran fast enough to place and score points. Never give up based on what you see on paper! Good racing and valuable experience--by far the best competition we've watched all year.
It was a great day for team relations, too, as athletes and coaches said good-bye for the summer and exchanged emails. Nighthawk meet scorecard: one new penpal, one meet invitation for next year, and one medal. :)
That's a wrap--time to prepare for the end-of-season celebration and switch gears for cross country. Thanks to all who made this possible!
Monday, May 30, 2016
Last Chance
Last week's meets (Subsection and "Last Chance") were season wrap-up opportunities for most--that last shot at racing for the season. With the Section qualifiers resting, the Last Chance meet offered a little more room on the podium and brought a new level of excitement. At the same time, the week was bittersweet as it closed our seniors' first and last track season. Congratulations to everyone for successfully completing the challenge of running track! So many great memories to be thankful for.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Subsection Track & Field Meet
A great night for the Nighthawks at the Subsection 17A meet! The top 4 in each event advance to the Section 5A meet next Wednesday at St. John's University in Collegeville. Freshman Erika Swanson qualified in two events, running personal and team record times and taking 3rd in the 1600m (5:30.12) and a surprise 2nd in the 800m (2:30.91).
Freshman Drake Fraser ran a blazing PR by 5-1/2 seconds in the 800m (team record of 2:18.37), barely edged off the podium by just a couple tenths of a second and taking 9th place overall. He's pictured here on the home stretch of the 800m run, with family cheering behind.
Other personal records were set by freshman Will Fuglestad in the shot
put (team record of 29'8"), sophomore Jake Bendickson in the 400m
(60.93), and senior Ellie Lee in the 1600m (6:31.40).
Thanks to the support of our sponsors Northwest Area Jaycees Hanover Athletic Association Heppner's Legacy Homeschool Resources Three Goats in a Tub for making this possible!
Thanks to the support of our sponsors Northwest Area Jaycees Hanover Athletic Association Heppner's Legacy Homeschool Resources Three Goats in a Tub for making this possible!
Friday, May 20, 2016
Too. Much. Fun!
This meet had a particularly enthusiastic announcer, so any time we placed in an event, it was "...Northweeeest Nighthaaaawks!" Oh, and apparently "arm wrestling" has been added to the list of field events...
Monday, May 16, 2016
The Nighthawks were on the road last week with a trip to Medford. This was a special event for us being our only season meetup with the Rochester Jaguars, the "other" homeschool track & field team in our state. We connected last fall through cross country and have a fun relationship with them, so it was great to be competing together. And of course a long drive requires a Chipotle stop on the way home!
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Picture Day
Team picture day is always a practice of sense-of-humor maintenance. We'd waited plenty long for a nice, warm day; but we finally gave up. Of course it was raining, but being representative of the season, we went for it. :D Big thanks to our sponsors for helping fund this inaugural season: Heppner's Legacy Homeschool Resources, Three Goats in a Tub, Hanover Athletic Association, Northwest Area Jaycees. And of course all the family and friends who donated personally to help make this happen. We appreciate every single one of you!
Monday, May 2, 2016
Nighthawk Week at Malmborg's Garden Centers: May 8-14
Spring is here! We have the opportunity to receive 10% of money spent at Malmborg's Garden Centers by friends who bring a Nighthawks "shopper form" during the week of May 8-14, 2016: <http://
Simply purchase plants, garden tools, and garden accessories from any Malmborg’s location--and give your group’s shopper form to the cashier.
Mother's Day is the 8th, so stop by Malmborg's and give Mom/Grandma the gift of spring! While you’re at it, pick up your summer annuals, garden vegetables, etc. Tell everyone you know! You *must* have the form with you, to make sure it goes to the right group that week.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Maple Lake Invite: So many things to love about this meet. (Well, except the weather. Always the weather!) Smaller teams meant being "in the mix" in more events than previous competitions and an exciting envelope of medals and ribbons. We continue to develop relationships with other coaches; their support has been remarkable and encouraging. And most significantly, sportsmanship is becoming a natural part of the routine, through volunteering where needed and congratulating competitors at the finish line. Your efforts are being noticed, Nighthawks, and it makes time at the track that much more fun and rewarding for everyone. Keep up the good work!
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Morale Boost
Another meet postponed due to the weather. :/ Hmm... Is there *any* opportunity here? Run + snacks + back(barn)yard skills practice = morale boost. :) Thanks for being flexible, everyone!
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Trying New Things
Several Nighthawks entered new-to-them events this past week, including
the girls' 4x400m relay, the boys' open 800m...and the
walking-down-the-field-on-your-knees challenge(??). {Sigh.} We're
beginning to see hints of specialty events emerging for these athletes,
and it's going to be fun to see which turn out to be favorites! P.S.
Thanks to all the team families for bundling up meet after meet to cheer
us on. Won't be long and you'll need your sunscreen.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
More Track Firsts
Our younger runners hitting the track in uniform for the very first time! One of their bigger learnings was that we coaches are serious about the packing lists: Rain won't stop a meet, so pack your layers--even on warm afternoons, because you never know in April! :) So proud of these kids for jumping into the unknown, getting the job done, and even bringing home a few ribbons. Lots of years ahead for these athletes, and we look forward to the privilege of watching them progress.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Each of these photos has a backstory of a challenge accepted--from the coaches or from within themselves. All kinds of surprise performances out there! We now have starting points of reference and a new perspective for our training. Congratulations to each one (pictured or not) who proved to themselves that they can do hard things and are capable of more than they know. Thanks again to Rockford for your hospitality and for giving us the opportunity to compete close to home.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
First-Ever Track & Field Meet
First-ever track & field competition for the Nighthawks! Lots going on (and of course everyone PR's and makes the Honor Roll of team bests), but today's shoutout is to our milers--all CC runners--for braving the cold and wind at the Rockford Time Trials. So fun to watch these athletes racing on the track for the very first time and finding that extra gear out there. Once we all overcame our nerves, we had a blast and can't wait for more. "Running around in circles" isn't so bad after all. :) Impressively well run meet, thanks to our organized and welcoming hosts at Rockford. And a huge Thank You to our sponsors for making this all possible! Heppner's Legacy Homeschool Resources, Three Goats in a Tub, Hanover Athletic Association, Northwest Area Jaycees.
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